How I keep my clients happy and returning

How I keep my clients happy and returning


   Oh I could write a whole book on making people happy. I am a people pleaser through and through, it comes easy to me. Some people may see this as a negative, but I choose to see it as a way to dig deeper and get to know a person. I love people, I love making people happy, which is why the customer service side of business is fairly simple in my eyes. Hear your client, listen to their wants, be available, don't be afraid of making a friendship. 

       I can say that each and everyone one of my clients is a dear friend of mine. When they lay on my lash table they not only trust me with sharp objects near their eyes, but they trust me with their stories. I've had clients share their pregnancies with me, their deep losses, their marriage struggles, their happiest moments. Gosh, I have been so blessed by these clients that are my friends. 

      I am a big fan of "your vibe attracts your tribe". When I started in this industry, I was so worried that it was too saturated for little me to find a place here. However, as time went on, I gained a clientele. People who not only loved my work, but really liked me too!  I try my hardest to share this with new lash artists; you WILL find your people, there is room for you in this industry and you will be successful. So without further blabbering, here are some of my tips for getting clients to come back over and over:

  • Get to know your client; ask what music they like, what type of lashes they are looking for, if they've had lashes before.
  • Read your client when they are on the table; if they are quiet let them rest, if they are ready to chat, chat it up with them! Be a listening ear, don't always offer advice, we aren't therapists, even if we feel like it sometimes. 
  • If a new client; talk them through the lashing process, if they have never had lashes before. We all know having our eyes taped isn't the most comfortable
  • When you are done, make sure client is happy
  • Before your client leaves your room, pre book them! This is vital, not only to guarantee they'll come back, but you'll also know your schedule ahead of time ;) 
  • Check on them the next day. You care. You want them to know you care. I do this with all new clients and even clients I've seen a few times. 
  • Be open to clients wanting change; some clients might want less, they might want more, be open to this. Communication is key! Just because they want something different, isn't a personal attack on you.

     I hope these tips are helpful. I know they seem pretty standard, but for some people they don't come naturally. Doing these simple steps will change your lashing and will change how your clients talk about and feel about you.

Happy Lashing friends,


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